General information
How can I find out more about Phorms?
On our website you will find detailed information about PhorMinis Kindergarten, Phorms Primary School, as well as Phorms Secondary School, and you can explore our school campus and kindergar-ten in a virtual tour. Furthermore, our Instagram account and YouTube channel provide exciting insights into our everyday campus life. In addition, annual information evenings (crèche, preschool & year 1, secondary school) are held as part of the admission process. Moreover, we offer individu-al consultations by email, telephone or in person.
Can individual school tours be booked?
Due to high demand, we are not able to offer individual school tours as part of our counselling services. During the admissions process, once a place offer has been made, we are happy to give families a tour of the campus. In the meantime, you can explore our school campus and kindergarten from the comfort of your own home via our virtual tours.
Is the primary school recognized by the state? Can the child attend a state-run secondary school afterwards?
Yes, our primary school is state-recognized and we teach according to the Bavarian curriculum. After completing primary school, children have the opportunity to attend a Gymnasium, provided that the requirements for the “Übertritt” (transition) are met.
Is the Gymnasium recognized by the state? What school-leaving qualifications do you offer?
Yes, our Gymnasium is state-recognized and we teach according to the Bavarian curriculum. In addition to the Bavarian Abitur, as an IB World School we offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma as well as individual IB Certificates for particularly high-achieving students.
Do you offer afternoon care?
For our primary school students and the year 5 students of our secondary school, we offer afternoon care once school finishes at 3:45 pm. You can find an overview of our offers and the prices on our website.
What are the main nationalities of the students?
Our student body is international and culturally diverse. There are students who have already grown up bilingually or even multilingually, students whose parents come from different nations, students who have already lived abroad with their parents, and students who come from German-speaking families and for whose parents the promotion of languages through a bilingual education of their children is important.
Is there a school bus?
What happens to my data after I apply?
In our data protection statement in accordance with Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR/DSGVO), we inform you about the collection of personal data in connection with the application process for a place in crèche, kindergarten or school at Phorms Munich.
When do the respective admission processes start?
The admission processes for crèche, preschool and Year 1 start in October of the year prior to the desired start date. The admission process for year 5 starts in November. The admissions process for year 2 to 4 of primary school, as well as year 6 and up at the secondary school, takes place in the spring. Registered families will be informed of the exact procedures and dates at the start of each admission process. Therefore, in order to receive all the information and be considered in the admissions process, we ask that you complete the online registration for your children through our website in a timely manner.
Which application documents have to be submitted?
In our emails at the start of each admission process, we will inform you about the documents to be submitted. Please note that you will only receive the information on the kick-off if you have previously completed the online registration. This can be done at any time.
Can admission also take place outside the admission process?
It is also possible to enrol during the year in any year level, provided that places are available. The regular admission processes are based on the usual transfers (for the new school year/September). In case not all spaces are filled or places become available during the current kindergarten and school year, the admissions team will consider applications already submitted and registered families on the waiting list.
Do families have to re-apply for each level?
If you have already accepted a place at Phorms Munich, a place in the next level is automatically reserved for your child and will be offered to you, provided that all conditions (contractual) and regulations (for example, school entrance exams, “Übertritt” (transition), pedagogical assessment) are met.
If you were not offered a place in the original admission process, we will contact you again at the end of the admission process and ask whether you would like to be considered for admission during the year or for the admission process in the following year. At that time, you will need to resubmit application materials.
What language skills (English/German) are required for admission? Is it possible to be admitted without knowledge of German or English?
For admission to our preschool, language skills in one of the two languages (German or English) should be available.
Elementary school:
For admission to year 1 and 2 of our primary school, students should have a secure knowledge of one of the two languages (German/English) and preferably knowledge of the second language. For admission to year 3 and 4 of our primary school, very good knowledge of German and good knowledge of English are required.
Year 6 and up:
Since we teach according to the Bavarian curriculum, it is necessary for children to bring fluency in written and spoken German for admission to a higher year level of the secondary school; school English skills are sufficient.
Year 5:
As a state-recognized Gymnasium, the same “Übertritt” (transition) regulations from year 4 of primary schools to year 5 of Gymnasium apply to us as to public state-recognized Gymnasiums: a grade point average of 2.33 (in the subjects German, Mathematics, and “HSU” is required; alternatively, the three trial days in German and Mathematics must be completed, which is passed if grades 3 and 4 are achieved. Children who have attended a primary school that is not accredited by the state or who have attended a school abroad with a different school system must also take and pass the trial lessons. There is a grade bonus for foreign students if deficits in the exams are due to weaknesses in the German language that can still be remedied.
My child attended a school other than a state-recognized German primary school / a state-approved German secondary school - can they still be enrolled at Phorms Gymnasium / to a higher year level of Phorms Primary School?
Admission year 2-4 of primary school:
This is possible if the child has the appropriate language skills (see above) and the appropriate level of proficiency (which is assessed by tests taken during trial days at the elementary school).
Admission year 5:
As a state-recognized Gymnasium, the same transfer regulations from year 4 of primary schools to year 5 of Gymnasium apply to us as to public state-recognized Gymnasiums: a grade point average of 2.33 (in the subjects German, Mathematics, and “HSU”) is required; alternatively, the three trial days in German and Mathematics must be completed, which is passed if grades 3 and 4 are achieved. Children who have attended a primary school that is not accredited by the state or who have attended a school abroad with a different school system must also take and pass the trial lessons. There is a grade bonus for foreign students if deficits in the exams are due to weaknesses in the German language that can still be remedied.
Admission year 6 upwards:
This is possible if appropriate language skills (see above) are available, the child passes the required entrance exams (according to §6 GSO Gymnasialschulordnung Bayern), and other requirements for admission (sequence of foreign languages in accordance with our structure, see below) are met.
Can I register my child for two admission processes?
We don’t accept multiple registrations. If your child is a "Kann-Kind” or “Korridor-Kind”, or is in between two year levels for other reasons, we ask that you decide in advance in which admission process you would like to be considered. We will be happy to help you with this.
PhorMinis Kindergarten
What is the age structure in the PhorMinis kindergarten? What is the size of the groups?
Our 24 crèche children (in two groups) are between 18 months and 3 years old. Our 44 kindergarten children (in two groups) are between 3 and 5 years old. Our 66 preschool children (in three groups) are between 5 and 6 years old.
What is the minimum age to start at the crèche?
Children should be at least 18 months old at the time of admission, which is usually in summer. Children born after April of a respective year can usually only be enrolled after their second birthday.
When may crèche children go to kindergarten?
The transition from crèche to kindergarten takes place at the beginning of the new kindergarten year (August 1st). Crèche children who turn 3 years old by September 30th of the respective year usually receive a place offer and contract for the Kindergarten. Crèche children who turn 3 from October of the respective year remain in the crèche for another year.
When may kindergarten children go to preschool?
The transition from kindergarten to preschool happens for 5-year-old children at the beginning of the new kindergarten year (August 1st). Kindergarten children who turn 5 years old between July and September (so-called “Korridor-Kinder”) may stay in kindergarten for another year. In these cases, we discuss with the families and our team in good time which course of action is best for the child.
How many members of staff look after a crèche/kindergarten group?
Each PhorMinis group is supervised by three staff members. One of them is German-speaking, one is English-speaking and one speaks English or German.
Primary School
When can children enter Phorms Primary School?
Children who turn six years old by September 30th of the respective year can be considered for Phorms Primary School Year 1.
How many children do you newly admit to Year 1 of the primary school?
A large proportion of Phorms preschool children subsequently attend Phorms Primary School, which is why we usually only have a small number of Year 1 places available for new, external children (approx. 10-15 places).
How many children are in a class?
The guideline for our primary school classes is 22 children per class. The school management can adjust these guidelines upwards or downwards according to pedagogical requirements.
What is the turnover in the classes?
The turnover in our classes is rather low, many of our school children have previously attended our bilingual kindergarten/preschool.
How many teachers teach a class?
The primary classes are each taught by one teacher and one teaching assistant. The mother tongue of one teacher is English, that of the other German.
Secondary School
Is entry possible without knowledge of German or English?
See language skills required for admission (depending on the year level) above.
What are the admission criteria?
In addition to the required language skills (see above), children should have a good grade point average. Furthermore, the sequence of foreign languages taken and the choice of branch should be in line with what we offer (English from Year 5, French or Latin from Year 6, language branch with Spanish or Economics branch from Year 8).
How many children are in a class?
The guideline for our secondary school classes is 24 children per class. The school management can adjust these guidelines upwards or downwards according to pedagogical requirements.
How many children do you newly admit to Year 5 of the Gymnasium?
Many of the Phorms primary school children subsequently attend the Phorms Gymnasium, which is why we generally only have a limited number of places available for new, external children in Year 5.
What is the turnover in the classes?
We create a sustainable and long-term community on our campus, which is different from the high turnover at international schools. Nevertheless, there are regular departures and arrivals at all levels of the high school.
What foreign languages do you offer?
We offer English from Year 5, French or Latin from Year 6 and Spanish from Year 8.
Which branches can be chosen at Phorms Gymnasium?
Students at Phorms Gymnasium may choose between the language and the economics branch (from Year 8). The language branch includes Spanish as a third foreign language. The economics branch includes business informatics and business law.
Are the lessons (in the high school) mainly held in German?
Yes, in preparation for the Abitur, a large part of the lessons in the High School are held in German.
Fees and contracts
How are school fees calculated?
The monthly contribution is calculated on the basis of the positive annual gross income of the legal guardians of the year before last. The contribution is adjusted for each kindergarten or school year. For the school year 2022/23, the annual gross income of 2020 will be used as the basis for calculation, for 2023/24 that of 2021, etc. Here you can find our fee calculators for crèche & kindergarten, primary school and secondary school.
What costs will I have to pay in addition to the monthly fees?
There are additional costs for lunch, an annual material contribution (in crèche, kindergarten and secondary school), costs for excursions, literature etc. and a one-off administration fee after conclusion of the contract. If you take advantage of the afternoon care, the holiday programme or the IB programme, these costs are incurred in addition.
Does Phorms offer discounts and scholarships?
Phorms offers families a sibling discount of 15% on the monthly fee (including the first child). The monthly contribution for the crèche is excluded from this. We do not offer scholarship programmes.
What do single parents have to consider?
Unless you have sole custody, the second person with custody must also sign the care or school contract and provide proof of income. If you have sole custody, you must provide proof of current information on sole custody from the custody register.