
  • Känguru Wettbewerb

    Our year 3-4 primary pupils with their prizes! Weiterlesen

  • Bundesjugendspiele Primary

    Bei angenehmem Wetter hat die Grundschule die Bundesjugendspiele ausgetragen.Ein aufregendes Event für alle Beteiligten. Bei weltweit bekannten... Weiterlesen

  • Pangea Gold Medal

    Congratulations to Tristan who won a gold medal in the Bavarian Pangea final and was placed in the top 10 in all of Germany Weiterlesen

  • Pangea Maths Contest

    We are very proud of our 4 primary students and 5th grader who will be participating in the final round of the PANGEA math competition this Saturday.... Weiterlesen

  • Colorful Creations

    Our primary school proudly presented a unique and personal art project. Students expressed their favorite hobbies through vibrant drawings and... Weiterlesen

  • Zeichen für Demokratie

    Unsere SMV veranstaltete einen #ichstehauf Tag für Demokratie und Vielfalt. Die Unterstufe des Gymnasiums trug verschiedenfarbige T-Shirts und... Weiterlesen

  • Wood Work

    It’s lovely to walk into a room where the students are completely concentrated on their work. 4C was burning designs of their initials into cutting... Weiterlesen

  • Digital Masterpieces

    Our Year 6 students were able to demonstrate their creative side within their IT lessons, when they explored the world of raster graphics, using... Weiterlesen

  • Take a break!

    We hope that you get to take a break this Whitsun holiday and give your soul what it needs Weiterlesen

  • Eco School Awards

    A small delegation of our students attended the Awards Ceremony for this year’s Eco School Awards. Great job everyone for receiving the award again... Weiterlesen