School Year and Daily Schedule

Our Primary School follows the Bavarian curriculum. In addition, elements of the Cambridge International Primary Programme are incorporated, in particular within the English language programme.

As a state-recognized primary school, we follow the school year and holiday calendar of the State of Bavaria. The school year is divided into two semesters. During the first semester, parent-teacher conferences for learning development (Lernentwicklungsgespräche) take place in Year 1 to 3. In Year 4, students receive a progress report (Zwischenbericht) in January and the transition report (Übertrittszeugnis) at the beginning of May. At the end of the school year, all students receive their final report.

Our school is an all-day school and runs from 8.15 a.m. to 3.45 p.m. and lessons are typically divided into double lessons.