Wie schon im letzten Jahr, nahm unsere Snowboardcrew am 25.02.16 am Schulwettkampf Snowboard in Sudelfeld teil. Nach einer aufregenden Reise zum...
Give Books! In celebration of International Book Giving Day on 14th February 2016, Phorms library hosted Children´s Book Donation Week from Monday,...
In January/ February the Year 4 classes went to the museum „Mensch und Natur “. We had a guided tour in the museum focusing on the different states of...
11 students in Gymnasium are participating, on a voluntary basis, in the annual Kunstpaten project. This year they are paired with a video...
On Friday the 22nd of January Year 4 went ice skating. The weather was nice and all children had a lot of fun. They played games together, made races...