
  • Schulwettkampf Snowboard

    Wie schon im letzten Jahr, nahm unsere Snowboardcrew am 25.02.16 am Schulwettkampf Snowboard in Sudelfeld teil. Nach einer aufregenden Reise zum... Weiterlesen

  • International book giving week

    Give Books! In celebration of International Book Giving Day on 14th February 2016, Phorms library hosted Children´s Book Donation Week from Monday,... Weiterlesen

  • Mensch und Natur Museum

    In January/ February the Year 4 classes went to the museum „Mensch und Natur “. We had a guided tour in the museum focusing on the different states of... Weiterlesen

  • Kunstprojekt

    11 students in Gymnasium are participating, on a voluntary basis, in the annual Kunstpaten project. This year they are paired with a video... Weiterlesen

  • Ice Skating Year 4

    On Friday the 22nd of January Year 4 went ice skating. The weather was nice and all children had a lot of fun. They played games together, made races... Weiterlesen